~Mystic Beauty~
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Mystic ones language

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Welcome to my website!
Hi! My name is Eve. Owner of this website. If you want to know, this is a website for some of the story Kayla reads. Of course, as you may have noticed, the author (me) comes up with VERY weird title, so I hope you can eventually get used to them (^_^) anyways, I hope you enjoy da site. Bye!
Updates (Wo-hoo!)
Here are the most recent updates for this site... and some old ones because I'm too lazy to get rid of them... oh well...

6/16/2003 ~ I have started this website!! *yeah for me!*
6/21/03 ~ Ok, I have started working on da stories page, check'it out'ith alright'ith?
maeineomlielei!! (Welcome!!)
Hee, hee... sorry 'bout that.. Thats the language of the mystic ones(from one of my books..) you can check it out on one of these pages.. hmm.. now which one was it again..??????

E-mail 4sure
If ya have any Questions,Comments, or Requests please e-mail me s'all right??? okay then, bye I have to go work on some other pages..

Other sites 4 stories! whoa!
Hi agian! If you are wonderin' if there are any other online story websites besides my boring ol' one, check out favorite links, there are a feew there.. C'mon go do it! Fetch doggy, fetch!

This is how many people have visited my site ; )

home page, home page.. WHEEEE!!!